Here is a list of the most common reinforcement learning algorithms grouped by category.

1. Model-free RL algorithms

model free

1.1. value-based

1.2. Policy-based

1.3. Actor-Critic

2. Model-based RL algorithms

model based

2.1. Dyna-Style Algorithms / Model-based data generation

2.2. Policy Search with Backpropagation through Time / Analytic gradient computation

2.3. Shooting Algorithms / sampling-based planning

2.4. Value-equivalence prediction

3. Other RL algorithms

other RL algo

3.1. General agents

3.2. Imitation learning

3.3. Hierarchical RL

3.4. Memory types

3.5. Exploration techniques

3.6. Meta learning

3.7. Model-free model-based

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