Vim cheat sheet

1 min read



Vim is a free and open-source text editor program, popular on UNIX systems.

Cheat sheet

You can download a printable Vim command line cheat sheet here.

Command Description
ESC Command mode
i insert mode (write)
v visual mode (search in document)
:shell open command line prompt
:e filename open a new file
:w save changes
:q exit vim
:q! exit vim without changing changes
:wq save changes and exit vim
:u undo last action
CTRL + r redo
o open new line BELOW the cursor + insert mode
O open new line ABOVE the cursor + insert mode
A go to the end of the line + insert mode
yy yank the current line
y yank the highlighted text
dd delete the current line
D delete to the end of the line
d delete the highlighted text
dw delete word
p paste text after cursor position, paste line below the current line
x delete current character
:vs split the current window vertically
:split file opens file in second window
CTRL + l move to the right window
CTRL + h move to the left window
:q close window
h move LEFT
j move DOWN
k move UP
l move RIGHT
gg go to the beginning of the document
G go to the end of the document
w move to the NEXT word
:n [line_nb] jump to line number [line_nb]
qf<commands recorded>q record macro and associate it to the character “f”
@f execute macro associated to the character “f”
:%s/foo/bar/g find each occurrence of ‘foo’ and replace it with ‘bar’
:%s/foo/bar/gc change each ‘foo’ to ‘bar’, but ask for confirmation first

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